Paying for Care

Our homes

Paying for Care

At Abbeygate Rest Homes we welcome residents that are private (self-funding) and residents that are funded by the Local Authority (Social Services). Our fees are very competitive and represent, given our care and service, excellent value for money. Fees are individually quoted according to a residents care needs and the room chosen / available.

The Costs

The costs for your stay will depend on the level of care you require and the length of your stay. Our weekly fee covers all non-discretionary expenses; 24 hour care, accommodation, meals and refreshments, domestic services, laundry and in-house activities and entertainments.

Residential Fees are invoiced on the 1st of each month for that month of care and for Respite Care, fees are invoiced at the end of the stay.

Making a Reservation

If you are self-funding you can choose any Abbeygate Rest Home, providing the home has accommodation available and is able to meet the care needs of the resident.

If you think you may require some assistance with the fees from the Local Authority (Social Services) or the National Health Service (NHS), you will need to be assessed to determine the level of support which may be given. If you think you need assistance you should first contact the Local Authority's Social Services department for the area where you live. You will then be assessed as to your personal care needs and whether you satisfy the required financial criteria.

The assessment will take into account all forms of income - to help you with this you may wish to consult a professional advisor.

Please contact us now to discuss your individual requirements or to arrange to look around a home.